This project was designed for public prosecutors and judges for situations when an order is given to collect information about a person defined in the provisions of Article 70a of the Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction.

Article 70a. 1. If there is a reasonable doubt that the perpetrator is a person addicted to abusive substances or who – to his detriment – uses psychoactive substances, the court, and in the preparatory proceedings the prosecutor, may order the persons named in the Act, acting on the basis of the provisions of the Act, who have obtained a specialist certificate in addiction therapy, to collect information on the accused who uses intoxicants, psychotropic substances or narcotic replacement drugs.


We execute collection of information in the place agreed with the authorised body, e.g.:

– in a specific public prosecution office,

– at the office of the Association at Al. Zygmunta Krasińskiego 9/26a,

– in the local Kraków penitentiary units.

Information preparation may take from 7 up to 14 days.

After the order is issued, on the basis of such court order, we may take the addicted person under our custodial services. We provide custodial services in all district jurisdictions of the Regional Court in Kraków.


Our addiction therapy specialists have many years of experience in working with persons addicted to drugs and those using various intoxicants and psychotropic drugs.

Each of our addiction therapy specialists and their training comply with the requirements of the Order of the Polish Minister of Justice dated 05 January 2012 in the matter of collecting information on the accused using intoxicants, psychotropic substances or narcotic replacement drugs (Polish Journal of Laws [Dz.U.] 2012, item 58) and they are listed at the Minister of Justice official list of addiction therapy specialist which can be found at the Ministry of Justice website at www.ms.gov.pl


Direct line for addiction specialists: (+48) 668 30 48 65