We believe that maintaining and tightening of familial ties facilitates detained parents`social rehabilitation. They will ultimately be released from prison and will return home. Choosing to work on the quality of relationships both with prisoner`s children and the spouse during the sentence, we unite the split family, giving good relationships a head start. Detained Parents` participation in our art projects allows children to see the parent in a different, positive role. Child`s visitation in prison becomes less of a sad trip and more of an exciting adventure.
Dad playing a Smurf or Santa for a while, Mum baking gingerbread cookies with her son/daughter is a much wanted picture of normalcy we strive to give. Positive atmosphere and happy memories created during such special visitations last for months, exerting good vibes with the power to reduce tensions and bringin the much desired sense of belonging.
Warm welcome of a former prisoner in his family ultimately builds a happy home for the children and for us, their neighbours, a safer society.
Please read about our projects.