‘Criminal policies with respect to drug users’
A series of seminars on drug laws in Poland dedicated for judges and public prosecutors, whose main aim is reaching a better understanding of persons addicted to drugs, as well as creation of good legal practices within the field of application of provisions of the Polish Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction, including issues related to limitation of social damages.
Another fruitful year passed during which we teamed up with the Polish Network for Drug Policies (Polska Sieć Polityki Narkotykowej) and have run them throughout the whole country (in 2018 r. we conducted 17 seminars in all corners of Poland) for employees of the justice system.
Seminar is organized as a three-day workshop and merges three professional groups – judges, public prosecutors and addiction therapists. The purpose is to brainstrom and analyse current legal provisions and look for their most effective application in the real world. Specialists in the field join forces and share experience in order to find the most effective ways of counteracting drug addiction and minimizing the effects.